Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Why ?

As a little girl, I always dreamed that when I grew up I would be a famous actress.

I would live in a house in Melville where all the other famous TV celebrities lived (at the time). I would have a car – more specifically, a silver convertible – and I would drive with the top down, the wind willowing through my blonde hair.

As a hopeful monster I did not let my dreams be marginalised by the fact that I was different, or by the fact that the opportunities to realise my child-like wishes were not afforded.

I never got the opportunity to do drama or art – so - I never became the movie star that I had always dreamed of becoming.

Or the artist.

Big Deal.

I get to perform every day of my life, on this wonderful stage called life.

I get to choose my look, my supporting cast, my wardrobe. I get to select my role, my character, my theme music, my romantic interest.

And, I get to drive home every day in my silver convertible…the wind willowing through my (albeit dyed) blonde hair, to my gorgeous little house in Melville, decorated with my paintings and my artworks.

Stand up straight, work what you got, and say "fuck off, I’m fabulous". Watch the bounce in your step that will follow.

Its funny the difference that putting your best foot forward makes..be a part f it…find your own destiny in these tips..and shape it to suit yourself…not by accident…by design.

When you believe you have the glamour - you simple do. It’s a game of strategy of course, like so many of the games of this world. It begins by putting all the pieces in place…tah dah….First you convince yourself …the rest follow…I dare you let's do it…for once and for all....


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